Sunday, 12 April 2015

Broken Pianos

Do broken pianos play broken songs? 
Do they have busted melodies for busted hearts? 

Is there a song living inside it that's waiting to get out? 

Her keys are shattered and her notes long since silent but I can still hear her song. 

Just listen, just listen.

- Tyler Knott Gregson

Can broken pianos be fixed? Should they be fixed? or left broken?

Because I believe some tunes aren't meant to be heard, or shared. At least not out loud.

Even if it does get fixed, will it still be the same after?
No. It won't feel the same either.

But I know one day, one unforeseeable day, 
I'll be able to play a song with the keys I'm left with.
And in fact, I won't be able to make mistakes and I won't hit any wrong notes.

But halfway through the song, I'd like to pull out all the low notes.
so then can I, perhaps, end on a high note?

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