Friday, 17 July 2015

Hand Sanitizer and Changing Strings on a Guitar (Clinical Journal)

In my undergraduate classes, I’ve read and studied a number of cases where patients drank hand sanitizer to satisfy their alcohol addiction. Nonetheless, reading about cases and actually being at the scene to witness are two very different things. I was still very shocked upon actually witnessing a situation when a patient, who was held in custody, asked for hand sanitizer. In fact, I was even surprised at myself for feeling shocked. I was also surprised to see two policemen by his bedside the whole day when one of this patient`s feet was already chained to his bed. As I thought about it afterwards, I came up with a reason as to why I experienced these emotional feelings. Typically, I don`t develop too much emotion from reading cases about patients or even simply reading leisure novels. It is because sometimes, I forget that behind all the words, the patient I’m reading about is an actual human being, who has a family and 

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Broken Pianos

Do broken pianos play broken songs? 
Do they have busted melodies for busted hearts? 

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Flashback: Clinical Journals 1 of 4

Back in university, I had the opportunity to go on clinical placements where I shadowed different health professionals.  During that time, I was encouraged to write weekly clinical journals. I was digging around in my computer and found these, so just thought I'd share them. Names have been changed to just a random letter. 

First placement: Nurse at St. Paul's Hospital 10C ward
May 28th 2012

Both during and after my clinical placement with a nurse at St. Paul’s 10C ward, I experienced a wide range of emotions. D, the first patient I met, has been diagnosed with HIV twelve years ago and recently with progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML). Before entering to see him, the nurse instructed me to put on a gown and gloves because he also has vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE). As this was my first time meeting patients with VRE, I felt apprehensive as I did not know how contagious VRE is.