Friday 17 July 2015

Hand Sanitizer and Changing Strings on a Guitar (Clinical Journal)

In my undergraduate classes, I’ve read and studied a number of cases where patients drank hand sanitizer to satisfy their alcohol addiction. Nonetheless, reading about cases and actually being at the scene to witness are two very different things. I was still very shocked upon actually witnessing a situation when a patient, who was held in custody, asked for hand sanitizer. In fact, I was even surprised at myself for feeling shocked. I was also surprised to see two policemen by his bedside the whole day when one of this patient`s feet was already chained to his bed. As I thought about it afterwards, I came up with a reason as to why I experienced these emotional feelings. Typically, I don`t develop too much emotion from reading cases about patients or even simply reading leisure novels. It is because sometimes, I forget that behind all the words, the patient I’m reading about is an actual human being, who has a family and 

Sunday 12 April 2015

Saturday 21 February 2015

Flashback: Clinical Journals 1 of 4

Back in university, I had the opportunity to go on clinical placements where I shadowed different health professionals.  During that time, I was encouraged to write weekly clinical journals. I was digging around in my computer and found these, so just thought I'd share them. Names have been changed to just a random letter. 

First placement: Nurse at St. Paul's Hospital 10C ward
May 28th 2012

Both during and after my clinical placement with a nurse at St. Paul’s 10C ward, I experienced a wide range of emotions. D, the first patient I met, has been diagnosed with HIV twelve years ago and recently with progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML). Before entering to see him, the nurse instructed me to put on a gown and gloves because he also has vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE). As this was my first time meeting patients with VRE, I felt apprehensive as I did not know how contagious VRE is.

Monday 1 December 2014

My Last Challenge of 2014

How is it December already?! Time really goes by fast. But when I think about it, lots of things have happened this year, no wonder time went by so fast! Two of my closest friends got married this year so there were a lot of celebrations and reunions. I've reconnected with some friends, unconsciously created some distance with others, and made new friends. That's life, right? We win some and we lose some. Like the saying goes, those who stay are those who matter. Well, actually I don't agree with it 100%.

Friday 30 May 2014

Goodbye, My Friend

I don't usually check my personal e-mail at work, but I did that day. After reading the first e-mail in my inbox, I was shocked. 

My facial expressions easily betray me and it's hard for me to hide my emotions. Shortly after, coworkers were asking me what's wrong and if I'm alright. I nodded and continued with my work. But my mind was gone. I then noticed myself simply sitting and staring into space, for I'm not sure how long, until I pushed the thought out of my mind and continued on with work.

Sunday 8 September 2013

My First Time Attending a Pakistini Wedding & 5 Things I Learned

Congratulations Asma & Farrukh!
Five Things I Learned at a Pakistani Wedding

1. Do not arrive on time.
I'm a person who gets nervous and anxious when I'm running late, so I always try to arrive on time.

Thursday 18 April 2013

Judging at the Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair

Ahhh, the 31st Annual Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair. Students, judges, parents, teachers, and many others gathered at the Student Union Building at UBC to view science fair projects. The event ran on for 3 days with judging done of Thursday and awards and public viewing on Saturday. I had the honour to be one of judges for a couple of awards. My first time being a judge was at the Vancouver District Science Fair held at Langara College on March 7th of this year. However, this is my first time judging for the Greater Vancouver Region, so plainly said, I was excited! 

I arrived at UBC in the early afternoon and went to the judges' room to meet my team and gather all the information I needed - badge, list of projects I was going to judge, criteria sheet, etc. 
Judge at the 2013 Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair