Monday, 1 December 2014

My Last Challenge of 2014

How is it December already?! Time really goes by fast. But when I think about it, lots of things have happened this year, no wonder time went by so fast! Two of my closest friends got married this year so there were a lot of celebrations and reunions. I've reconnected with some friends, unconsciously created some distance with others, and made new friends. That's life, right? We win some and we lose some. Like the saying goes, those who stay are those who matter. Well, actually I don't agree with it 100%.

Friday, 30 May 2014

Goodbye, My Friend

I don't usually check my personal e-mail at work, but I did that day. After reading the first e-mail in my inbox, I was shocked. 

My facial expressions easily betray me and it's hard for me to hide my emotions. Shortly after, coworkers were asking me what's wrong and if I'm alright. I nodded and continued with my work. But my mind was gone. I then noticed myself simply sitting and staring into space, for I'm not sure how long, until I pushed the thought out of my mind and continued on with work.